Sunny days and purple skies.

I just walked home from the library, about 8 minutes. It stays lighter by about 30 minutes in Edinburgh than it does from home in Kent, down south.
I was listening to 'The Heart Slows Down' by Canyon City, happy with the 1000 hours I'd spent writing 1000 words of my essay.

The sun was jut setting under the empty leaf trees and apart from dirty puddles and grumpy students, it was utterly beautiful. Lately I've been caught in Edinburgh rain (I dare you to try it - your bones tremble and the hair on your head practically gets detached)  a few times and decided to laugh about it rather than be frustrated at my sopping state. There's something innately beautiful about laughing in the face of the rain, and jumping in the puddles because hey,  you're going to have to put everything in the tumble dryer anyway. ( metaphoric tumble dryer - I'm a student don't you know)

Here's a few pictures of Edinburgh and my home-home in its' happiest moments. I'll miss England and Scotland a great deal when I'm gone, but part of the reason I decided I didn't want to be in the buzz of Tokyo was my love of green space; I'm certain there will be many the beautiful sunset or cherry blossom photo to come.

Just after I took these top two pictures walking home, it started to snow. Yes, snow. I laughed and people probably thought I was crazy. But if you can't dance in the rain, you may as well laugh in the snow.

I think Okayama is going to suit me perfectly.

The Meadows, Edinburgh

The Meadows, Edinburgh

Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh

Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh

Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh

Hayesden Lake, Tonbridge

Hayesden Lake, Tonbridge

Tonbridge, Kent



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